Sunday, December 9, 2007

Blame Adam

I have created a YouTube account. And several other video sharing sites as well, which I'm currently messing around with to see what my options are. I can't deny that YouTube is the site that's permeated the internet's social sphere the most, so that's what we're going with for now. Enjoy last week's Sokka video, and the two week prior Mulan OST video.

I admit the quality isn't as bad as I'd expected, but am I the only one noticing a slight "gridding" effect? Eh, whatever. It's good enough for those of you who weren't going to download the whole thing anyway. Future videos will probably have an embedded version and a high quality download version. Because that's how I feel like doing it. Cause, you know, these kind of options are so vital to my audience of six.

New question - will YouTube delete these videos within the month? Time will tell!

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