Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Oh hey. I graduated last week. By the way.

Has it sunk in yet? No. Although high-stress study alert has died down, I still feel perpetually busy or like I should be busy. I've yet to really, truly relax or contemplate the fact that I don't have to register, buy books, attend lectures, or do homework next fall.

A positive side effect of my "getting things done" mood is that even I'm surprised by the amount of things I've accomplished this week. I paid the gas bill, went to the bank, assessed my student loans, went shopping, bought a swimsuit, bought new summer shoes, etc etc. My room's still a mess, but spring cleaning will likely be my next big project. Maybe ceremoniously recycling old school notebooks will help me feel a bit more graduated.

And in case you were wondering, my new swimsuit is awesome, and my shoes are super cute. I was going to post pictures of them as well as proof of my graduation, but my camera is having connection issues with my computer. They seem to be mad at each other for some reason, but hopefully they'll get over it soon because it's really awkward since I'm friends with them both.

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